Jul 5, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James, Personal Growth, Relationships
Many of us are looking to ancient or traditional teachings to guide us in today’s ever changing world. One topic that often comes up is that of forgiveness. On a Dr. Phil show I recently viewed while channel surfing, I saw a guest on the show telling Dr. Phil,...
May 3, 2012 | Personal Growth
Here is a link to my latest blog at Psychology Today. My blog there is related to forgiveness and this post is about TV and unplugging. I had such a great response here to the TV post, that I wrote more for Psychology Today! Click here for Huna’s Focus on...
Apr 8, 2012 | Matt James, Matt James - Research, Personal Growth
Now you all know that I don’t like the term addiction, but wow!! According to a Nielsen report, an average American watches 150 hours of television each month! Do you realize that is equal to 6 1/4 days per month or almost 75 days per year!!! Well I bag...