About Dr. Matt

About Dr. Matt
Dr. Matt began meditating at the age of five, and through his childhood, learned spiritual practices directly from such teachers as Baba Muktananda. He also studied Huna, the original science of consciousness of the Hawaiian Islands, from Uncle George Na’ope who was honored as one of Hawaii’s Golden Living Treasures. Dr. Matt received the gift of carrying on one of the ancient linages of Huna, the Bray Family lineage, from Hawaiian elders.
In the ’80’s, Dr. Matt studied directly with several well-known teachers in the human potential movement, including Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler.
He became a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) at the age of 13, and became a Master Trainer at the age of 29. Dr. Matt is Owner of Empowerment, Inc., an international training organization that teaches personal transformation.
Building on the work of his father and others, Dr. Matt developed the Mental and Emotional Release® process, a therapeutic technique that has proven to be extremely effective in conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and clinical depression. His book outlining this work, Mental and Emotional Release®, was published in 2017.
Dr. Matt’s other books include: Ho’oponopono: Your Path to True Forgiveness; The Foundation of Huna: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times; Find Your Purpose, Master Your Path; Integrate the Shadow, Master Your Path.
Dr. Matt is a regular contributor to Psychology Today. He has been featured on Fox News, CNN Headline News, and many other TV and radio shows around the world.
Dr. Matt’s degrees include an MA in Organizational Management and a PhD in Integrative Health Psychology.